I started writing this post after watching the Frontline episode titled "Close to Home". You are more likely to appreciate the documentary if you decide to not judge the people in the documentary, and lament the mistakes that some of them might have made.
The timing of the documentary is also very good. While Mr. Geithner and company would have you believe that things are getting better, close to home, filmed in the summer of 2009, shows the opposite.
Watch it!
I was personally touched by Rob's story, but the documentary is just but a small sample of hardships faced by millions of people all over. While all this is happening, Mr. Obama and his economic team are busy preserving financial system that existed before the collapse. Josh Rosner's critique of the ironically titled "Financial Stability Improvement Act" is well worth watching.
Some people are calling the act "Patriot act of Finance", some say it is "Tarp on steroids", while Mr. Rosner called it the "single worst non-yet-passed piece of legislation"!